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Usage policy . . .

10books website usage policy


We welcome you to the 10books website, a website that offers exclusive books, stories and novels for children and young people in an exciting and wonderful way. We are committed to providing high-quality and useful content to our customers.

Usage policy

When using our website, you agree to be bound by this use policy. This policy includes the rules and conditions that govern your use of the site.

  • You must use the Site in a way that does not violate the rights of or harm others.
  • You must not post any content that is unlawful, offensive or misleading.
  • You must not use the Site to collect or store personal information about others.

Site content

The 10books website offers exclusive books, stories and novels for children and young people in an exciting and wonderful way. This content includes real, accurate, useful, interesting and educational information, and helps children grow and use their imagination to learn about the world in a wonderful way.


All content on the 10books website is our property. Copying, distributing or publishing any of this content is prohibited without our written permission.


The 10books website may contain advertising. These advertisements are provided by third parties, and we do not accept any responsibility for their content or performance.


We respect the privacy of our visitors. We do not collect any personal information about you without your consent.

the changes

We may change this use policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page.

Contact us

If you have any questions or comments about this Terms of Use, please contact us on the “Contact Us” page or through: [email]

10books team