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adventure of the deer and the crow’s friend

adventure of the deer and the crow's friend

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The story of the adventure of the deer and a friend is one of the animal stories for children before bedtime, presented to you by the 10books website, which is known for containing the most wonderful children’s stories. This story tells about a deer that meets a special crow and becomes a close friend and they go on adventures with each other. So what happened? This is what we will learn together in this story below.

adventure of the deer

The day was hot and humid, and all the animals in the forest were looking for shelter from the sun. There was a young deer named Bambi who was particularly uncomfortable.

Since his fur was not thick enough to protect him from the hot sun, Bambi wandered through the forest looking for a place with shade to rest. When he reached a large oak tree, Bambi lay down in the shade of the tree and closed his eyes.

While Bambi was still, he heard a strange sound, so he opened his eyes and saw a bird sitting on a tree branch.

The bird was a blue crow. Its distinctive feature was that it was bright blue in color and had a long, drooping tail.

The blue crow said: “Hello, my name is Ji.”

“Hi, my name is Bambi,” Bambi said.

Ji asked him: “What are you doing here?”

Bambi said in a loud voice: “I’m trying to stay out of the sun as much as possible. It’s very hot today and I can’t stand it.”

“You’re right,” Jay said. “It was very hot today.”

Bambi asked, feeling embarrassed.”Please, do you mind if I just stay here for a while?”

“Of course not,” Jay said. “You, my dear friend, are welcome and always welcome to stay if you wish.”

Bambi and Jay talked for a while and quickly became friends, talking about their life in the forest and sharing stories about their family and friends.

As the sun began to set, Bambi felt tired and said goodbye to Jay and went to sleep under the tree and dreamed tonight of all the adventures he would have with his new friend.

Bambi woke up early the next day and went to meet Jay’s friend and found him sitting on the same branch of the tree eating some berries.

“Good morning,” Bambi said.

Jay said: “Good morning, did you sleep well?”

“Yes, and I had a wonderful dream,” Bambi said.

Jay asked him: “What was your dream about?”

Bambi looked at him and said:“I dreamed that we went together on a real and beautiful adventure to explore the whole forest and uncover its secrets. We also found a new and beautiful pool of water and visited many places together.”

“Sounds fun,” Jay said. “Maybe we can make those dreams come true.”

Bambi and Jay spent the whole day together exploring the forest, and they actually found a new pond and saw some other animals as well. They had a lot of fun and became better friends.

At the end of the day, Bambi and Jay said goodbye to each other and pledged to meet each other soon, and each of them returned home feeling happy and satisfied.

The next day, Bambi and Jay meet again and decide to go on an adventure to the top of a nearby mountain.

The two friends climbed the mountain for hours, and finally they reached the summit. The view from the summit was amazing and the stunning landscape could be seen as far as the eye could see.

They spent the rest of the day exploring the mountain and found a waterfall, a cave, and even some wild animals. They had a lot of fun and learned a lot about each other.

Bambi and Jay continued to go on adventures together, exploring the jungle, mountains, and even the ocean shores, having many exciting experiences and becoming best friends.

One day, Bambi and Jay were exploring the forest when they encountered a group of hunters. The hunters were setting traps for the animals, and Bambi and Jay knew that they had to do something to stop them.

They attacked the hunters until they fled from fear. The hunters were so afraid that they did not think about returning to the forest.

Thus, Bambi and Jay saved the forest animals from the danger of hunters, and they were glorified as heroes by the rest of the animals and received a special award for bravery.

Bambi and Jay continued to live in the forest, and they continued to wander together on their adventures in every new day, and because they were best friends, each of them pledged that they would accompany each other through thick and thin.

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محمد هوست | Mohamed Host

Mohamed Host

Digital marketing and e-commerce consultant

Muhamad Ali, an Egyptian national residing in Mahalla al-Kubra, born in Gharbia Governorate in 1990, holds a bachelor’s degree in the College of Commerce, Department of Business Administration, in addition to obtaining more than one hundred and fifty other certificates, including certificates of appreciation, courses, and international accreditations in several branches in the field. E-marketing, his experience in the field of e-marketing and business management for companies since 2014, even though he had been working as a freelancer several years before this period.

محمد هوست

Animal stories for children

Bedtime stories

Fictional stories

Future File series

Islamic children’s stories