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Three Goats wonderful story suitable children

Three Goats wonderful story suitable children

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The story of the three goats is one of the animal stories for children. It tells about three goat brothers who want to cross a bridge guarded by a terrifying ogre. So what happened? This is what we will know in the story below.

The three goats and the ogres

Once upon a time there were three goats living on a green hill near a river.

There was the little goat, the middle goat, and the big goat, which was the largest of its brothers.

They loved to eat green herbs all day long and drink water from the river.

The three brothers lived a happy life on the hill and ate all day long without any problems.

But soon they realized that they had eaten all the grass on the hill where they lived. The goat, the younger brother, shouted and said: “Oh no, what will we eat now?”

The middle goat said: “Don’t worry, little brother. Look at the other side of the river, there is a fertile meadow full of delicious herbs.”

The older brother said: – That’s right, all we have to do is cross the bridge and enjoy the delicious green herbs.

But it was dangerous to cross the bridge as the three goat brothers were afraid because they knew that there was a big, terrifying, smelly ogre with scary red eyes living under the bridge.

The ogre had thick hair on his body and had sharp teeth. He would swallow anyone who tried to cross the bridge. His lifelong dream was to devour the three goats, and he kept waiting for that opportunity and it seemed that he would get it.

The three goats were very hungry and decided to cross. The big brother said: Who will cross the bridge first?

The younger goat could not wait and said: – I will cross the bridge first.

The little goat quickly took a deep breath and started running towards the bridge. When he reached the bridge, his hooves began making noise on the wooden bridge.

Then the ogre said in a frightening voice: – Who is making that sound on my bridge?

The ogre jumped on the bridge and stood in front of the little goat. Then the little goat became afraid and said, trying to be brave: “I am the little goat. I am crossing the river to eat the delicious grass on the other side.”

The ogre said in a frightening voice: “No, you will not because I will devour you now.”

The little goat was very afraid, but he was also very smart. The little goat said: – Please do not eat me. You see, I am the youngest of my brothers. You will not be eating me because I am skinny and small and I will not be a delicious meal for you, but if you eat my middle brother. The one who comes after me is bigger and more valuable than me, but if you eat me now, my brothers will be afraid and will never cross the bridge.

The ogre thought for a moment and said: – Well, you can cross the bridge.

Then the hungry ogre returned under the bridge and so the little goat crossed the rest of the bridge and reached the meadow.

On the other side, the other two brothers were following their little brother, who arrived safely at the pasture.

The middle goat said: I will go now.

The older brother shook his head in agreement, and the middle goat ran to the bridge and his hooves started making a sound on top of the wooden bridge.

The ogre said in a terrifying voice: “Who is making the noise on my bridge?”

The savage ogre jumped over the bridge again and stood in front of the second goat. The middle brother said: It is me, the middle goat. I am crossing the river to join my little brother in the pasture.

The ogre said: No, you will not, because I will devour you now.

The middle goat was also very afraid, but he was also very smart like his little brother. He said to the ogre: – You can eat me, but you will make a mistake like this because my body has nothing but skin and bones. If you wait a little while, you will be able to eat my brother, the eldest goat. He is bigger than me and the largest among us, and he will be your perfect meal. But if you eat me, my older brother will never cross the bridge.

The ambitious ogre thought for a moment and said while licking his lips: “Okay, you can cross the bridge.”

The ogre went back down the bridge and the middle goat also crossed the bridge and reached the green pasture to join his younger brother.

On the other side, the older goat saw his brothers safe in the green pasture, so he started running towards the bridge, and when he reached the bridge, his hooves began making noise over the wooden bridge.

Then the savage ogre jumped over the bridge for the third time, saying in a terrifying voice: – Who is making noise on my bridge?

Then the older goat said: “It is me, the older goat. I am crossing the river to join my younger brothers on the other side in the pasture.”

The ogre said in a terrifying voice: “No, you will not, and that is because I asked you to eat me because I am very hungry.”

But unlike his younger brothers, the big goat was not afraid of the ogre at all.

The largest goat was huge and strong and began to move backwards, lowering its head and pointing its large, pointed horns at the ogre. Then it ran quickly towards the ogre and collided with the ugly ogre with a hideous smell.

The ogre rose into the sky and fell into the river. The fate of the ogre was that the strong current of the river dragged the ogre away with it.

The big goat crossed the bridge and reached the pasture and joined his younger brothers. Then the three goats spent the day eating delicious green grass and drinking refreshing water from the river.

And so the three goats continued their lives together in peace and happiness.


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محمد هوست | Mohamed Host

Mohamed Host

Digital marketing and e-commerce consultant

Muhamad Ali, an Egyptian national residing in Mahalla al-Kubra, born in Gharbia Governorate in 1990, holds a bachelor’s degree in the College of Commerce, Department of Business Administration, in addition to obtaining more than one hundred and fifty other certificates, including certificates of appreciation, courses, and international accreditations in several branches in the field. E-marketing, his experience in the field of e-marketing and business management for companies since 2014, even though he had been working as a freelancer several years before this period.

محمد هوست

Animal stories for children

Bedtime stories

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