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Eggs that have become chicken after cooking

Eggs that have become chicken after cooking

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The Eggs that have become chicken is a story that is considered one of the short, purposeful fictional children’s stories presented to you by the 10books website. This story helps make your child think about things in a different and positive way and helps increase the child’s intelligence and teaches him how to have thought and awareness that helps him solve problems. This story is written in a style Simple and short stories for children that make your child think deeply.

Eggs that have become chicken

There was a person called Rajya, and he lived in a village. One day, he was going to work in one of the neighboring villages. While he was on his way, he arrived in one of the villages when evening came. He was very hungry, so he went to one of the houses. The owner of the house was an old woman, offering food to the travelers. When he arrived at this… the house .

Rajya said to her: Grandma, I came from a far place and I am hungry and looking for something to eat.

The old woman said: I’m sorry, son, there is nothing to offer you, excuse me.

He said, hoping: Grandma, you are my only hope of survival. Give me anything to eat, I will die of hunger.

The old man said: I only have 6 eggs. Is this okay? Do you accept this?

Rajya said: Yes, of course, I agree.

So the old woman prepared the eggs and presented them to Rajya. Then Rajya ate and silenced his hunger. After that, he said to the old woman in thanks: “You saved my life. What do you want in exchange for these eggs?”

The old man said: What will you pay? Their value is one piece of copper.

Rajya said: I only have a piece of gold. Can you give me the rest of the money?

I do not have money to return the rest of the amount to you, but you can give it to me later, and you must remember that next time when you come next time.

Rajia agreed, and then he went to complete his journey and reached the village he wanted to reach. He worked very hard and earned a lot of money. After several years, Rajia was returning to his village. On his way, he passed the same village as the old woman, and then he remembered that he had to pay her a piece of copper, so he went to her house.

He said to her, hoping: Some time ago, you gave me 6 eggs, and in return I had to pay you a piece of copper, and I did not pay at the time, and I came to pay and thank you.

The old woman, who was cunning, thought and realized that Rajya had earned a lot of money.

She said to him: It will not be easy for you, my dear, and you did not pay so easily.

Rajya was stunned and said to her: What, I don’t understand what you are saying. I think what you want is unacceptable.

The old woman said: You ate 6 unusual eggs. They are eggs equivalent to gold. They could have hatched if you had not eaten them, and the number of eggs would have increased then, because the eggs would have become hens that lay eggs. If you had not eaten them, the number would now have become 500 eggs. If we add the total number, you must now pay 1,000 copper coins. .

Rajya said: This is not fair and I do not have enough money.

After that, the old woman went to the village judge and said to him: Sir, this man has to pay a thousand pieces of copper, and he does not want to pay.

So the judge ordered his men to arrest Rajya and bring him. The judge said that he would conduct some investigations in the morning, and then Rajya felt very sad.

Rajya said to the judge: I came here to pay the debt of one piece of copper, and this old woman is accusing me falsely and slanderously.

After that, a man came to Rajya and said to him: Sir, I am a lawyer and I am ready to defend you. Please give me a chance.

He said to him, hoping: You can defend me, I don’t mind this.

The trial began listening to the story of Rajya from the old man, and then the judge asked the lawyer to plead on behalf of his client, Rajya.

The lawyer said: Sir, I ask you to postpone this case for a short period. I will defend him, but I did not have enough time to be able to speak to my client. Therefore, I request a postponement until I have enough time to speak to my client, please, Your Honor.

The judge said to him: What were you doing yesterday then?

Sir, I was thinking of planting the land with beans, so I bought beans, and then I started cooking the beans. It took a long time for them to mature, and then I started planting them in the field.

The old woman said: What are you talking about? Can you cook beans before you plant them? Will the beans grow after cooking? This is not possible!

The lawyer said to her: Grandma, the eggs that you cooked for my client have hatched and become chickens too. Why are you surprised that cooked beans do not grow then?

After that, the judge learned that this greedy woman had played a trick in order to get as much money as possible.

Then he dropped the invitation from Rajya, after which Rajya presented a gift to the lawyer, and after that he completed his way back to the village where he lives and returned to his home.

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محمد هوست | Mohamed Host

Mohamed Host

Digital marketing and e-commerce consultant

Muhamad Ali, an Egyptian national residing in Mahalla al-Kubra, born in Gharbia Governorate in 1990, holds a bachelor’s degree in the College of Commerce, Department of Business Administration, in addition to obtaining more than one hundred and fifty other certificates, including certificates of appreciation, courses, and international accreditations in several branches in the field. E-marketing, his experience in the field of e-marketing and business management for companies since 2014, even though he had been working as a freelancer several years before this period.

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